31 July 2015


Dear Colleagues

Committee Legacy

As we are nearing the end of the fourth Assembly, the Committee has decided to review the work it has undertaken since it was established in 2011. As part of this legacy work, we will be looking back over our policy and legislation inquiries with a view to assessing the impact of the conclusions and recommendations contained in our various reports.


To assist with this, we have written to each Minister with responsibilities in our portfolio, asking them to provide us with an update on progress against the recommendations in our respective reports (details of the relevant reports are included in the letters). The responses received are published on the Committee’s website. We have also invited the Ministers to provide oral evidence to the Committee in the early part of the autumn term. Our forward work programme  identifies the dates for this.


In advance of these evidence sessions, we would welcome your views on the progress made by the Welsh Government in the areas covered in our reports. If you would like to submit evidence, please do so by Wednesday 2 September 2015, and please make clear which report and recommendation(s) your comments relate to.


Yours sincerely


Christine Chapman AC / AM

Cadeirydd / Chair